Application deadline for the new MigAA laboratory Dislocations is February 9th. For statements, please use the online registration form. Invited artists will be granted travel costs and accommodation.
13-22 March 2014, San Sperate, Sardinia, Italy.

There is a variable and variable oriented distance between the perceiving subject and its environment; to extend, reflect and differentiate possibilities of action in relation to perception and cognition of pieces of the real, will be the aim of this territory-based laboratory. The search of emerging shapes of unknown structures and phenomena, the design of synesthetic effects, the work on multi-dimensional translations will be part of the assignment of the interventional program.
Noarte Paese Museo is hosting the new Migrating Art Academies laboratory Dislocations and invites young emerging artists to experience San Sperate together with Susanna Schoenberg and Thomas Hawranke, from Paidia Institute. As an association of artists and researchers focussed on the interactions between virtual and material spaces and the possibility of action and creativity “in between” of them, Paidia Institute proposes this new laboratory with a strong vocation for field work.
The laboratory will offer both theoretical and media-related suggestions, include excursions and production support for a final projects presentation at the local Museo del Crudo.
Dislocations is organized by Noarte Paese Museo in collaboration with Paidia Institute (Cologne, Germany). The laboratory is supported by European Commission Cultural Program and Nordic Foundation. Migrating Art Academies is a network for innovation and exchange in arts teaching and research.
Thomas Hawranke, media artist and researcher, examines art, science and technology at the crossroads of media spaces and artistic laboratories;
Susanna Schoenberg, media artist and filmmaker; her work often refers to non-linearity, reactivity, tele-communication, gestures, public space;