Paidia Institute, Noarte paese museo and officinevida present
returnable 20II
an interventional format curated by Susanna Schoenberg
27-29 November 2011, Sardinia (I)
Producing field recordings and refeeding realities, marking territory and producing public voice in the South of Sardinia.

returnable: a fitting specification for this short program of artistic research on field–while looking for some specificities of the intervention site–could be: landscapes and realities to be returned.
Participating artists:
Malgorzata Calusinska (*1979)
lives in Cologne. She studied law (University of Bielefeld), slavic studies (University of Cologne) and media arts at KHM Academy of Media Arts Cologne. Her artistic production includes drawings, video, sound and object installation, frequently site-specific concepts.
Martin Rumori (*1976)
lives in Cologne and Graz. He studied musicology, computer science and philosophy at both Technical and Humboldt Universities in Berlin. From 2005 to 2010 he worked in Klanglabor at KHM Academy of Media Arts Cologne. Since 2011, he holds a research position at Institute of Electronic Music and Acoustics Graz, Austria.
His main areas of interest are sound installations, field recordings, reactive environments, software development in artistic contexts, workshops, talks and publications.
Susanna Schoenberg (*1967)
lives in Cologne. She studied political sciences, sociology, cinematographic techniques and media arts. 2004 she launched re-active platform at KHM Academy of Media Arts Cologne.
Her artistic production includes experimental film and video, photography, installation and performance.
Dirk Specht (*1968)
lives in Cologne. He studied architecture (TU-Berlin) and media arts (KHM Academy of Media Arts Cologne). Since 2011 he is lecturer at KHM Cologne, in charge of the local Klanglabor– lab for music, sound, noise–.
Fields of artistic work: sound art, composition, sound design, installation. Collaborations for radio productions, stage music for contemporary choreographies and theater, installations, cinematographic soundtracks. Workshops on recording techniques, sound and media art, ambisonic. Realization and organization of exhibitions (Raummusik und so, Frequenzwechsel, Son Detour, Hörabende).
Franziska Windisch (*1983)
lives and works in Cologne and Brussels. Her work concentrates on the recording of movement in time and space in the sense of formalization and transfer. Various aspects of those translation practices are investigated in audio-visual installations, concerts and site specific performances.