Paidia Laboratory: feedback, an overview

Paidia Laboratory: feedback

Paidia Institute (Jonas Hansen, Thomas Hawranke, Karin Lingnau and Lasse Scherffig)



“Paidia Laboratory: feedback” examines computer games as closed feedback systems, as servomechanisms or control chains that may or may not involve human elements. In an ongoing series of artistic experiments the feedback behavior of games is studied and put in new contexts through modifications of hardware and software, creating an open structure of artifacts, schematics and patterns. The focus lies not on the usability of games, but rather on an archeology of interaction — determining the limits and boundaries of games in order to understand the media specific characteristics of computer games and the spaces they create.

Most works in the series consist of commercial computer games whose (video, force or audio) output is fed back into the game via its input devices (controllers, microphones or camera) — for instance by feeding the audio output of a Karaoke game back into its microphone or by filming the screen of a camera-based game with its own camera. The resulting works are self-playing games that function as spatial installations in the tradition of closed-circuit art.

For each exhibition, a new constellation of pieces is chosen. The work thus is variable in dimensions and thematic scope.

Technologically we use game consoles (such as Playstation 2 or NES) whose controllers often are modified using simple microelectronics (Arduino, relays, etc.). These hacks ensure that the works function with little or no maintenance in an exhibition setting (games, for instance, automatically select the correct level or restart after completion). In addition, standard CRT TV screens and in some cases active speakers are used.


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Paidia Institute is an international collective of media artists and scientists who examine, expose and transform aesthetic and socio-cultural interrelations of art and technology. Founded in 2009 in Cologne, Germany, the artist group has taken part in numerous exhibitions, organized workshops and presented at international conferences.

In “Paidia Laboratory: feedback” the institute is represented by Jonas Hansen, Thomas Hawranke, Karin Lingnau and Lasse Scherffig.


Past exhibitions (Paidia Laboratory: feedback only)

  • Nam June Paik Art Center, Yongin, South Korea (7/2016-2/2017)
  • Share Festival, Turin, Italy (3/2015)
  • Academy of Arts, Berlin, Germany (9-12/2014)
  • ZKM | Museum of Contemporary Art, Karlsruhe, Germany (9/2014-4/2015)
  • Museum Ostwall/Dortmunder U, Dortmund, Germany (12/2013-1/2014)
  • ZKM | Media Museum, Karlsruhe, Germany (6/2013-8/2014)
  • ERES-Stiftung, Munich, Germany (09–12 / 2012)
  • Computer Game Museum, Berlin, Germany (1–2 / 2012)
  • transmediale, Berlin, Germany (1–2 / 2012)
  • Next Level Conference, Cologne, Germany (11 / 2011)
  • Platine Festival, Cologne, Germany (8 / 2011)


Other presentations, workshops and exhibitions (selection)

  • Reeling / Realing. On The Digital Threshold, Academy of Arts, Berlin, Germany (September 26th-27th, 2014)
  • C.A.R. Contemporary Art Ruhr, Essen, Germany (May 30th – June 1st, 2014)
  • Dislocations 2014, San Sperate, Italy (March 13th-22nd, 2014)
  • Dislocations 2012, San Sperate, Italy (November 4th-11th, 2012)
  • Liquid Spaces Residency, Cluj, Romania (October 3rd – 20th, 2012)
  • Interdisciplinary & Collaborative Practices Cluster, University of Hull, UK (February 29th, 2012)
  • Returnable 2011, San Sperate, Italy (November 27th-29th, 2011)
  • Next Level Conference 2011, Cologne, Germany (November 4th-5th, 2011)
  • Next Level Conference 2010, Cologne, Germany (April 20th-21st, 2010)


Lasse Scherffig,








